You're invited to a First Look screening of "Can't Stop Change: Queer Climate Stories from the Florida Frontlines." This feature length documentary shares stories of queer and trans resistance, resilience, and brilliance in the face of rising seas, stronger storms, and escalating state violence. First Look screenings are currently being organized across Florida to spark excitement and gather community feedback for the final cut of the film, to be released January 2024.
11/12 Online - Please RSVP at
11/15 Miami - Please RSVP at
11/19 Tallahassee - Please RSVP at
Fiscally-Sponsored by @southerndocfund
Co-Directed by @vrad_ical @enmonster @shooglet @dearyarrow @jessdealas
Edited by @mylifeisace @vrad_ical
Funding from @urgentactionfund @3wavefund @groundswellfund @calltoresist and many generous friends and family
@flcoalition4translib @love_the_everglades @queerecology @mutualaiddisasterrelief @cflmutualaid @delambiente @troikakollectiv @fauwgss @swampedintheglades @capitaltea @thefreedomlab_miami @shoogsart @lakeylove @ottercypress @eelpicnic @jimmydunson
@rev_evolution @osvafonseca @AfroAboriginal47
@avesypoesia @promising_young_woman @valenciagunder @shooglet
